New Year New Nest
Happy 2023 to our Yarnie FriendsAs many of you know 2022 was a year of testing and growing for the Ashcraft Family. Hubby had a few health scares last year that really put our life and dreams into perspective.Our youngest two fledglings left the nest of Ketchikan in December. Buddy (Adrian) and Hannah moved down to Washington near Leo (Austin) and Caitybug moved down to Nevada near her sister and our Grand Squirrels. Hubby and I were able to take them down and help them get settled in their new homes. Buddy and Hannah stayed with Leo for a few weeks, they both found work quickly and found a great apartment in a gated community. We are so proud of them both.Our little Caitybug, I am not even sure where to begin.As all our Yarnie Friends know she has been my dyeing partner, Photographer, Social Media Marketer, Fabulous Fiber Arts Yarnologist, Pattern Model and most of all my lil'bestie. At 19, she was ready to fly from the nest and boy did she.We could not be prouder of our little Bug. Before she left Ketchikan, she had found this beautiful house to live in with two roommates that are close to her age! Not only did she find the sweetest roommates, but she found her dream job, right across the street from her house. She is an Assistant Pre-School Teacher at a Daycare. She has settled in so nicely, we are so happy she is finally living closer to her sister. But even more grateful for the group of friends she has found. She has branched out and flourished on her own. (was there ever a doubt?)We got the kids settled into there new homes just before Christmas. Hubby and I really enjoyed being able to do this with them. However, on our little adventure we did get pretty sick. Luckily Angel and the fam had just gotten over sickness so they let us stay with them and she took such great care of us.After we got better we started on our trip down to Arizona to spend Christmas with Boo (Chris) and the rest of the kids. (sadly Aaron, Lex and the Squirrels couldn't come this year.)
We had a great Christmas and got to see our "son" Ricky too.
Leo flew down early to spend his Birthday with Boo. Buddy and Hannah decided to take there first Road Trip in the lower 48. They had quite the adventure. Buddy got a crash course in driving outside of Ketchikan, he did GREAT! We had a small Christmas this year but it was really a great time with the family. After all the health scares last year, hubby was put on Family Medical Leave. Boo asked us if we wanted to stay and hang out with him on a month-to-month basis..Anyone that knows Blaine knows this was an easy decision. Stay in Arizona (no rain, lots of sun) and my work-a-holic husband is limited to answering emails and texts. Since we are not sure when we will be back in Ketchikan, I gave up my partnership in Fabulous Fiber Arts and More to concentrate on taking care of hubby while we figure out what all is going on. We are enjoying our time together at Boo's and in our Motorhome, we are concentrating on sharing our yarn with more stores and venues.Happy 2023 Friends ~ Be sure and follow us and enjoy our NEW adventures.