Mom's Day 2023


First Mom's day with an empty nest

Mother's Day this year was a little bit different. My first Mom's Day with an empty nest was definitely different than previous years, mostly quieter (o= But honestly I would not change anything. I am so blessed and thankful for our little Ashcraft Family, I love and miss the kiddos a lot, but I am so proud of all they are doing and the lives they are building.Leo (Austin) called me the night before, Boo (Chris) sent a text, they were trying to be first to wish me Happy Mom's Day. I was sleeping, but they were within one minute of each otherBlaine got me a beautiful card and terrarium for the Motorhome.Caitybug called me, texted, and made the cutest video of our shenanegans. She and Boo had Door Dash deliver beautiful flowers and GF Reeses to me.Lexy and Aaron sent me sweet textsand pictures, wishing me a HappyMom's Day. I got to FaceTime with mysweet little Grand Squirrels they are both getting so big and grown up.I woke up with the sweetest text from Buddy (Adrian), and then we played phone tag all day. Oh Hannah, God sure has blessed me and my family with this beautiful girl. I always waituntil the end of the day or if I'm all alone to read her sweet messages. She can and does almost always make me cry (which is harder than you think).  This year was noexception.

Adventures with Caitybug

This video is so darn cute, this girl of ours has so much talent jam packed into that little body. I am amazed at all the shenanigans she talked me into. (o=I miss all the kids so much, I am so proud the humans they have become. Thankful and blessed that they are trying to live their best lives and still call Dad and I regularly. We are so proud of all of them.


The biggest change in Mother's Day this year is that we spent it in Cottonwood, Arizona, at my Mom & Dad's. We came to Cottonwood at the end of April, and that is where we still are, at least for this week #RNFARVLife.This is the first year in my memory that my brother, sister, and I were all together at my Mom's house for Mother's Day. Mike flew in from Northern California, and my sister Michel, flew in from Houston on May 9th, and they left today, May 16th. This was the first all 3 of us had been together in over 35 years.It is so funny how when siblings are together how old patterns become familiar, stories are remembered not always in the same ways and adult lives are shared. I truly enjoyed every minute with my sister and getting to know her as an adult. I am very sad it's been so many years and that she lives in Texas, although with our new Robin's Nest Adventures, I am already looking for yarn stores and Fiber Festivals in the Houston area.

My brother and Blaine hit it off. Sharing cooking recipes, construction woes, and fixing things for Mom and Dad.Yesterday, they went and got pretty flowers and Gardenias to plant out front of the kitchen window for Mom.

Previous slideNext slideMy sister and I got to go on our very first train ride with the family. I even got to bring my knitting (o=We went on the Verde Canyon Railroad. It was so much, we had a small lunch and a champagne toast when they started the ride. It was about a three hour train ride with so many beautiful  sights. It is funny we have spent the last 27 years in Kethikan, in my opinion, when it is not raining it is one of the most beautiful places on earth. But as we have taken so many road trips since December I have been remided that God masterpeice is all around us.I got so many beautiful pictures on the train ride. I love seeing the plants and flowers growing up out of rocks. It is just such a great reminder that beauty is all around us if you just take a second to look around. #ThankfulGratefulBlessed

Mother's Day Dinner

My Mom had made reservations for dinner at Belfry Wood-Fired Grill and Brewery on Sunday night. It is a quant little place with old world charm. I was excited to be able to find gf things I could eat. The mushroom risotto was very good. Blaine had the Belfry, which was a steak with salad under it. He said it was very good. Mom, Dad and Mike all got Chicken Alfredo, one serving was enough for two people. (lunch leftovers) We were all too full for desert but I was eyeing the GF Molton Lava Cake, next time. We all surprised Mom by taking her to dinner instead.


Beautiful Sodona Arizona

Blaine, my sister and I all went to Sodona on Monday. It is the cutest little tourist town, I can't wait to explore it more. There are so many cute stores there. Of course, I found the Yarn Shop (more news on this later). There are so many cute little shops up there Blaine and I will be going back to share more of the shops and scenary. My favorite shop, so far is Sendona Candle Magic. We watched him actually making the candles!! It was a lot like dyeing yarn, he had colored waxes he was dipping them in and then they carve pictures on them. I found so many cute ones. I know where I am Christmas shopping this year.It was fun walking around like tourons with my sister. Blaine and I are wanting to go back and do some of the hikes and other touristy things. You just have to get started extra early, it is so hot here for this little Alaskan (o=

Mother's Day 2023 may have looked different this year, but i wouldn't change a thing.I am so blessed and reminded everyday that I am loved.


New Year New Nest