Our First Trunk Show
Thank you Tempe Yarn and Fiber
Thank you to Tempe Yarn and Fiber for sponsoring our very first Trunk Show. We were not sure what to expect, but we could not have asked for a better first show.Amanda at Tempe Yarn and Fiber took a chance on our little Alaskan yarn company and it was a huge success. We had so much fun and met so many amazing knitters, crocheters and weavers.I know coming to Arizona from Alaska I was hopeful that the yarn community would travel with us. But I was nervous as it is not exactly the climate one would expect for knitters, crocheters and weavers. However, I should have known us yarn addicts are everywhere and Tempe Yarn store is AMAZING for bringing them all together!Tempe Yarn and Fiber is an amzing shop in Tempe, Arizona. You can tell from walking in the professional and friendly atmosphere that these ladies care about their craft. Amanda and the crew work very hard to make each craft they offer special, they offer classes and continue to keep ahead of the market to offer new designs, classes and fun for their customers. These ladies are amazing, meet the Tempe Yarn Crew.We met so many amazing people. I was overwhelmed with gratitude at how many people came to hear our story, see and buy our yarn.One of the workers, Brenda had been to Ketchikan last year and met both Caitybug and myself so she was already familiar with our yarn and story.We met so many amazing people.Tempe Yarn invited us back for another Trunk Show in April. We can't wait to see everyone!
Thank you again Amanda
Robin’s Nest Fiber Arts Tempe Yarn Trunkshow